Mata Ki Chowki Jagran

  • Jai Mata Di

    Shri Vivek Goel ji is known world-wide for performing devotional events. These events have been telecasted on channels like Astha, Sanskar, Disha, etc.

Vivek Goel

Shri Vivek Goel ji is an incredible individual with a passion for his work. Having full faith in God and a strong foundational education as an engineer in computer science, Shri Vivek ji aims to serve the mankind. His spritual journey began in the early years of his childhood when he developed natural interest towards music. His powers in occult science, meditation and Tarot Card reading are miraculous. He started practicing the same, professionaly from the tender age of 15. He has been actively working with eminent Indian groups and has extensively travelled across the world, performing and arranging all kind of devotional programs. His noble aim is to serve the mankind with devotion and he belives in one supreme God the almighty who has bestowed prosperity, health and wealth to souls on this Earth. Hence, we as His sons and daughters should trust and respect the truth and follow the path of devotion and upliftment.

He is also widely renowed for his Tarot cards readings, numerology solutions, and Reiki. Recently, he has started a group named "URDivineFriend" to serve the mankind. His guidance to mankind lies in suggesting simple remedies for complex problems. His main aim is to remove all kind of misbeliefs pertaining to Hinduism and sprituality.